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·Temple of Nakhon Pathom, Thailand  ·Yixing Zishahu  ·Jilin Rime  ·The memory of winter  ·Buyi first village: Walled rural scenery of Guiding Yinzhai  ·Populus Ejin  ·Taiwanese customs: during the Songkran Dragon Boat Festival at Sea  ·Three Gorges of the Yangtze River  ·China well-known place for rape Zijia  ·Tajik Wedding  ·China's folk art: Folk Paper-cutting in Tianjin Ancient Culture Street  ·Karst cave of Guilin Province  ·Aden Chonggu Temple Scenic in Inagi  ·Xinjiang Uygur: sing and dance the nation  ·Ambilight strange world: Genghuang Old Town Qiliangdong, Hunan Province  
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CCN Media picture website is a image demonstration network platform for the photographer. After registration, the photographer would be have a picture website which photographer self take a name. Picture in the website which uploads management and sale by author. The photographer is demonstrating ow..